Category: Uncategorized

The UTHSC Research Office Shared Dr. Junling Wang’s NIH/NIA Funded Study


The Research Rainmaker is a publication of the research office at University of Tennessee Health Science Center. In it’s fall publication of 2015, it shared the story from Dr. Junling Wang’s research team. Below is the shared story: A UT research team headed by Junling Wang, PhD, a Professor in Health Outcomes and Policy Research at the… Read More

Dr. Junling Wang’s Study Was Cited by Federal Government documents


“Announcement of Calendar Year (CY) 2012 Medicare Advantage Capitation Rates and Medicare Advantage and Part D Payment Policies and Final Call Letter” cited a research study by Dr. Junling Wang’s research team, under the title ―Disparity Implications of Medicare Eligibility Criteria for Medication Therapy Management Services. (Wang et al. 2010. ―Disparity Implications of Medicare Eligibility… Read More

Study Data from University of Tennessee Provide New Insights into Medicare and Medicaid


High Beam Research: Study Data from University of Tennessee Provide New Insights into Medicare and Medicaid By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Insurance Weekly News — Fresh data on Medicare and Medicaid are presented in a new report. According to news reporting originating in Memphis, Tennessee, by VerticalNews journalists, research stated, “Non-Hispanic Blacks (Blacks)… Read More

UTHSC Professor Junling Wang Awarded Grant for Disparity Research


Memphis Daily News: UTHSC Professor Awarded Grant for Disparity Research Dr. Junling Wang, associate professor of Health Outcomes and Policy Research in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, has received a $886,742 grant from the National Institute on Aging, a subsidiary of the National Institutes of… Read More

CFAH: Blacks, Hispanics Less Likely Eligible for Medicare Prescription Help


Center for Advancing Health Share Dr. Junling Wang’s Study: “Blacks, Hispanics Less Likely Eligible for Medicare Prescription Help” Release Date: May 20, 2010 | By Katherine Kahn, Contributing Writer Medicare’s Part D prescription medication management program, also known as Medication Therapy Management, could be off limits to some of the patients who need it most… Read More

Counseling Instead of Pharmacy for Depression


Psych Central: Counseling Instead of Pharmacy for Depression Cited Dr. Junling Wang’s study in their article.